Our Music Program

Since 1934, children finding a safe haven at Youth Aliyah have had music as an important part of their liberation — whether from oppression, poverty or lack of education. Musical training benefits everything from language and reasoning development to intellectual curiosity, discipline and teamwork. Music therapy addresses the physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of our youth and brings beauty to village life. Students at Meir Shfeyah study instrumental music and voice and they perform for audiences across the country (and beyond) with members of the village’s internationally renowned mandolin orchestra.

Youth Heritage Trips

Every year, a select group of our 11th and 12th graders travels to Poland to learn about prewar European Jewry and the Holocaust. During this extraordinary eight-day experience, our students tour concentration camps and Jewish sites — learning about their cultural, historical and religious significance. The trip is a profound and memorable experience and helps our students develop a deep sense of pride and commitment to Israel and the Jewish people.  

We also organize a week-long trip to Ethiopia to educate students about the rich heritage that Ethiopian Jewish families left behind upon coming to Israel, and the hardships and challenges they faced in their native land.

Joy of Judaism

The Joy of Judaism program teaches children about Jewish thought, tradition and practice through hands-on, nondenominational experiences. For many of our students, this is their first exposure to the richness of their Jewish heritage. The program includes:

  • Eshet Chayil (Woman of Valor): This program empowers girls by strengthening their knowledge of Jewish culture and heritage. 
  • Beit Midrash: Through Jewish texts and values, students discuss moral dilemmas and strategies for dealing with life’s challenges.
  • Mother & Daughter Shabbaton: This program helps to heal difficult mother-daughter relationships through dialogue and trust exercises. It changes family dynamics and aids our female students’ assimilation into Israeli culture by strengthening their Jewish identity, nurturing their sense of self and recognizing their personal accomplishments.

Science and Technology

Science helps explain the world, inspires curiosity and provides an opportunity for students to develop an integration of ideas, as well as methods of investigation and evaluation. Much the same as in Jewish tradition, it encourages the asking of difficult questions.

Vocational training in technological areas such as mechatronics, which combines electronics and mechanical engineering, provides students with expertise in industries that will define the 21st century.

Employees from SU-PAD, an equipment and service provider for the Israeli plastics industry, are helping to teach our students about robotics, touching on design, construction, operation and computer systems.

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