Jan Fisher

Message from the Region President

Message from the Greater Denver Chapter President

Message from the Region/Greater Denver Chapter President


It is my great pleasure to serve as the first President of Hadassah Greater Denver. Our organization has grown significantly since merging two existing Chapters, and we are now a strong and thriving community. We have plenty of exciting opportunities for our volunteers, whether it be participating in a one-time event or dedicating more time to our cause.

In 2023, we will offer an extensive program on fighting hate. The hateful rhetoric now polluting our society is not limited to antisemitism. Our program will address racism, anti-Asian and anti-LGBTQ sentiments. We invite you to join us as we take action and combat these issues together.

The Chapter also holds two Mah-jongg tournaments each year, as well as a general game day. We have thriving book groups, plus monthly luncheon, and dinner groups. We are planning a multi-generational fashion show which will take place next summer. We have guest speakers every other month after our Board meetings, who educate us on topics of health and wellness. We are also kicking off a new Evolve group targeting our younger members.

We are strong Zionists and everything we do raises funds for our hospitals and Youth Aliyah Villages in Israel.  We invite you to join us as we further Hadassah's mission of Tikkun Olam, and we look forward to meeting, greeting, and welcoming you!

Jan Fisher