Paradise With a Purpose: Hadassah Neurim Youth Village

February 7, 2024

Paradise With a Purpose: Hadassah Neurim Youth Village

“I arrived in Israel for three weeks of volunteering. Soon, I found myself on what seemed to be a magical island of kindness that bore more than a passing resemblance to the 1960 Disney film Swiss Family Robinson.”

Anastasia Torres-Gil, a former Hadassah National Board member, was not, in fact, in some fictional land. She was at Hadassah Neurim Youth Aliyah Village.

In her blog post in The Times of Israel, Torres-Gil vividly recounts her stay at the village, which included gardening in the company of various animals, while providing information on the skills students learn at the village and the state of students and graduates in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war.

Read “Hadassah Neurim Youth Village: Paradise with a Purpose” in The Times of Israel.

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