Stand with Israel: Three Actions You Can Take Now!

November 2, 2023

Stand with Israel: Three Actions You Can Take Now!

In the face of unprecedented and devastating Hamas attacks and war crimes, and an alarming spike in antisemitic rhetoric and actions, Hadassah is speaking out. We hope you and your friends will, too.

Hadassah is working to advance emergency aid to Israel, fight antisemitism and call on Hamas to free the hostages it continues to hold in violation of international law and human decency. Your voice matters. Please join Hadassah members around the country in taking meaningful action.

Three Crucial Actions You Can Take Now

1. Support Emergency Aid for Israel

President Joe Biden has requested emergency funding from Congress for security and humanitarian aid to Israel, including defense support and healthcare. Urge Congress to swiftly take up and approve these crucial funds — including for healthcare.

2. Demand the Release of Hostages

Amid the brutal terrorist attacks by Hamas, 240 individuals have been kidnapped, including American citizens, women, children, the elderly, and disabled individuals. Taking hostages is a war crime. Call on your members of Congress to pass resolutions that demand the immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas!

3. Fight Antisemitism Nationwide

Antisemitic incidents have surged across the US and the world, posing a grave threat to the Jewish community. The House is considering the Antisemitism Awareness Act, and the Senate has already passed a resolution condemning antisemitism on college campuses. Ask your elected officials to take a stand against antisemitism today!

‍Hadassah is glad to provide timely, relevant actions to raise our voices on issues that matter most. You can always find current actions by visiting our National Action Center!

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