Struggling with Infertility for June World Infertility Month

May 26, 2020

Struggling with Infertility for June World Infertility Month

Lonye Rasch’s column, “Struggling with Infertility for June World Infertility Month” for Thrive Global covers re-Conceiving Infertility Initiative Ambassador Amy Klein’s participation on March 25th in Hadassah Magazine’s online discussion group on infertility. Past President of Hadassah Northern New Jersey, Region, Lonye writes and edits for the Hadassah and Hadassah International websites. She has spent her professional writing and editing career specializing in health care and psychology.

In her column, Lonye reflects on what a challenge the COVID-19 pandemic presents to women struggling with infertility. This column is part of Hadassah’s ongoing series of articles in Thrive Global, the media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

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