Stephanie Weitzman

Message from the Boston Region President

Message from the Chapter President

Message from the Boston Region/ Chapter President

Welcome to Hadassah Boston! We are a vibrant region of 4,000 amazing members. I am a third-generation Hadassah member, following proudly after my grandmother and mother. My daughter continues the Hadassah legacy, as do my husband and son, who are proud Hadassah Associates.

For the past 10 years, I have been involved in Hadassah in various ways, all while raising a family and balancing my career. The gifts Hadassah has given me are invaluable. I’ve met a community of passionate, like-minded women and developed skills in leadership, public speaking, planning, fundraising and running events.

What else do I love about Hadassah?

  • Hadassah is vital to Israel. We operate two hospitals in Jerusalem, and we are the second largest employer in Jerusalem.
  • Hadassah runs two Youth Aliyah villages in Israel for at-risk youth.
  • Hadassah advocates for women’s health and against antisemitism.
  • Hadassah is a women’s organization that enhances the health and lives of people in Israel, in the United States and worldwide.
  • Hadassah was founded by women and is run by women.

We are the power of women who do.

Please join me. Sign up for our weekly Shabbat Shalom message to learn about events happening in the Boston region. You can also find us on Facebook.

I look forward to meeting you!


Stephanie Weitzman

Hadassah Boston President