Welcome to Hadassah Boston, home to over 3,000 members. We range in age and stage, but we come together to further Hadassah's lifesaving work in the US, Israel and around the world while empowering women and each other. Our programs combine education, Zionism and advocacy. We celebrate holidays together, such as Sukkot and Passover, through sukkah visits and our annual ‘Not Your Bubbe’s Seder’— a signature event that is not to be missed!
We often host special speakers and authors to educate and engage our members. We exercise our bodies by participating in annual fitness programs and walkathons. Our members meet each other through special interest groups focused on reading books, listening to podcasts, advocacy work, Zionism education and professional groups. As you can see, we are a very busy, involved group with a lot going on. We would love to include you as a member. Join us today.
Welcome to Hadassah Boston! We are a vibrant region of 4,000 amazing members. I am a third-generation Hadassah member, following proudly after my grandmother and mother. For the past 10 years, I have been involved in Hadassah in various ways, all while raising a family and balancing my career. The gifts Hadassah has given me are invaluable.
Defrost and Refresh at Hadassah's Delicious February Heart Health Event. There will be a Cooking Demo and Tasting with Beth Kitzis, Registered Dietitian and Chef Renew and refresh with a short, guided meditation, schmoozing, and light refreshments
Leslie Gonzalez
Jennifer Gershon
Laurette Bachman
Fundraising VP/Coor
Lisa Conti
Fundraising VP/Coor
Susan Lewin
Membership/Outreach VP/Coor
Yael Hurwitz Lange
Membership/Outreach VP/Coor
Stephanie Weitzman
Programming VP/Chair
Debbie Ginsberg
Education and Advocacy VP
Stacey Maslow
Past President
Debbie Knight
Board Member at Large
Lauren Baskir
Board Member at Large
Lisa Ellenzweig
Board Member at Large
Annette Feldman
Board Member at Large
Leslie Fishman
Board Member at Large
Melanie Gerard
Board Member at Large
Chana Meyer
Cards & Certificates Chair
Betty Selsky
Cards & Certificates Chair
Michele Weinfeld
Records Administrator
Toby Richard
Records Administrator
Sharon Ungar Lane
Zionist Affairs Chair
Sheree Boloker