Hadassah Desert-Mountain unites women from border to border in our diverse and independent region. Our chapters range from suburban to metropolitan, from over a thousand members to a few dozen. Some chapters were chartered a century ago while our newest chapter was chartered in 2021. We share our dedication to Hadassah – and to one another.
Our western hospitality and independent spirit ensure that you'll find friendship and a creative way for you to help make the world a better place. Through philanthropy, advocacy and education, we support Hadassah’s medical research and patient care in Israel and throughout the world. We raise our voices and make a difference in our own communities and around the globe. Hadassah women have the power to heal our world, to inspire, to take action, and to make an impact. Connect with the women of Hadassah Desert-Mountain and together we will change our world.
Hadassah Desert-Mountain Region (DMR) is both vast and intimate. Geographically, we have chapters in eight states: Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Our chapters vary in size and demographics. We service women of all ages and welcome everyone in our various communities.
In tradition of February Heart Health Month and Tu B'Shevat, Hadassah Valley of the Sun invites you to a Tu B'Shevat Seder. Featuring Rachael Don, registered dietitian nutritionist and associate teaching professor at Arizona State University.
Celebrate with Hadassah by ordering a Lox Box to enjoy on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9, 2025. Lox Boxes are easy to order, convenient, and delicious. Your family and friends will enjoy the nosh, and you'll be participating in Tikkun Olam!
You are invited to an afternoon presentation by Hadassah Member Elinor Engelhard, who will talk and give a PowerPoint presentation of a trip she recently took, where she met with Jewish residents of Cuba.
Learn simple techniques to keep individual stressors from turning into chronic stress. Reduce your stress anytime, anywhere, in two minutes or less. And, have fun along the way! Lindsey Carnick, LCSW, MSW, MA will share her humor and insight.
Join us at the Boulder JCC to experience the captivating traveling exhibition, The Bias Inside Us, brought to you directly from the Smithsonian Institution. There will be a special docent-led tour for Hadassah members, followed by a delicious lunch.
Northern New Mexico Hadassah invites you for a personal narrative by Yelena Gurvits, former citizen from the Soviet Union and Hadassah member coming from Ukraine to New Mexico. Refreshments will be provided.
Join our 2025 Movie Theater Meetup, where you can meet friends for a movie in theaters around town. As a member of this club, you will be included in the Group Me, where you will be invited to in-person meetups for movies throughout the year. You pay
March is the month of Purim. Let's celebrate the power of Hadassah women who do, with a viewing party of Troll Storm, a documentary telling the story of a mom and Hadassah Life Member who fights back against neo-Nazis and wins!
Join Evolve in Phoenix for this special event, featuring a creative and relaxing Chamsa project where we will make beautiful, personalized Chamsas—perfect for gifting or keeping as a reminder of the blessings in our lives.
After our board meeting, participants are invited to bring their own lunch and attend a presentation by Colorado Public Radio Personality, Ryan Warner who will share with us his insights about What it Means to be a Good Listener and Conversationalist
Luncheon followed by Jeanne Abrams, who will talk about "Jewish Women Pioneering the Frontier Trail". Her focus is the history of American Jewish women in the West. She will have books for sale. The luncheon is prepared in a Kosher dairy kitchen.
Renee Sidman
Organization VP
Carolynn Scherer-Katz
Cathy Olswing
Roni Sorin Ogin
American Affairs/Advocacy
Joy Feldman
Annual Giving/Grassroots
Della Gilson Levy
Capital Campaign & HMO Chair
Judith Levitsky
Communications/Marketing Portfolio Chair/Web Admin
Sherrie Davidson
Goals to Success
Anne Lowe
Health & Wellness Chair
Kate Raphael
Immediate Past President/ Nominating Chair
Barbara Raben
Major Gifts
Laura Schiff
Board Member at Large
Corinne Forti
Membership Portfolio Chair
Ann Martin
Parlimentarian/Bylaws Chair
Carol Bernstein
Philanthropy Portfolio Chair
Barbara Marcus
Programming Portfolio Chair/ Facebook Chair
Sara Steinman
Young Judaea
Janet Smith
Young Women's Chair
Delaney Rieke
Zionist Affairs
Laura Green